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We are here to tell you all about recent discoveries in biology and chemistry

Month: August 2023

Gene Engineering: Discoveries and Dilemmas

The Cutting-Edge of Gene Editing Gene editing has always promised a future where hereditary diseases become extinct, crops become more resilient, and medical treatments become revolutionary. The CRISPR-Cas9 system, a tool borrowed from bacterial immune systems, has been at the forefront of these innovations. With its ability to precisely target and modify DNA sequences, scientists

Genetic Predisposition to Gambling: Myth or Reality?

The complex interplay of nature and nurture has been debated for centuries. One area that has piqued interest recently is the question of whether there’s a genetic predisposition towards behaviors such as gambling. Could our DNA influence our attraction to high-risk, high-reward scenarios? Unraveling the Genetic Threads Modern research has begun to shed light on